Monday 9 January 2012 • 03:28 • 0 comments

Hai guys. Sorry for a long time i did not update this blog cause i'm quite busy. So guys, give me some times to wrote something here. Now, had been 5 days we school so i'm not interested to be in school more cause i dont know. This year i will face PMR and i thoughts it was a best year ever but it was a dream. I felt like i dont have nothing. Friends, family and all people i thouhgt i was suck! I just want my mother, ibu, mak, mama and ummi. Yeah! I'm really really miss my ummi, mak, ibu, mother and mama so much. If i can return back time, i just want to say that " Mom, may i follow you there?" Allah, why all this happened to me? Why?

I have tried my best to face all this. To forget all my sadness and acting like nothing gonna happened but, i cant. Guys, i dont know how i have to tell you about my feeling. But, what i felt now is i need someone beside me that can hear all my tears. Crying is better for me. Hm, Allah jika ini memang jalan yang benar untuk hidupku, aku bersyukur atas segala rezeki dan kurniaan yang telah engkau berikan kepadaku. Lindungi lah aku ya Allah dari sebarang fitnah dan segala bencana yang hadir. Ampunkan segala dosa dosa hambamu ini sesungguhnya engkau lah maha pengampun lagi maha bijaksana. Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk menghadapi setiap ujian yang telah engkau tetapkan untukku sesungguhnya engkau lah yang berhak terhadap setiap hamba hambamu ini. Ya Allah, tabahkan lah hatiku, jadikan lah aku hamba mu yang sentiasa taat dan patuh akan setiap arahan mu, dan bimbinglah aku ya Allah supaya aku sentiasa berada di jalanmu iaitu jalan yang benar yang telah dipilih oleh mu ya Allah. Berikanlah petunjuk kebenaran kepada aku semoga aku dapat menghadapi setiap cabaran yang telah engkau berikan dengan hati yang tabah. Amin yarabalamin :)

Mom,i really miss you. If you in front of me now, i just want you to know, that i always pray for you to be in jannah and bring me there along with you.
Lot of love, your sweet daughter
Nana, muahh :*

The Disclaimer!

Welcome to my paradise.Introduce me, Nana |15y/o | Taken by Muhammad Hamidi. Chocolate is my bestfriend. Hate liar, backstabber and copycat. In love with K-pop and Elmo. Thanks visit here and Please, follow me :-) *shake hand!



Template By: Nurul Afiqah
Big helped: Aulia Septiya
Edited: Nana